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Webinar - Quo Vadis : Czech Republic and Slovakia

In cooperation with the French-Czech Chamber of Commerce and our member Komerční banka, we organized a webinar called Quo Vadis : Czech Republic and Slovakia, which took place today. The webinar was focused on the global economic impacts of the current situation in our countries.

We would like to thank the experts from Komerční banka for their presentations and for answering the questions of the participants during the Q & A session.

Jan Vejmělek, Chief Economist and Head of Economic&Strategy Research explained the COVID-19 & Global Economic Outlook. The second speaker, Jana Steckerová, Economist, spoke about the Euro area, Slovak macroeconomic outlook and the European Central Bank. The last speaker was Martin Gurtler, Senior Economist and he presented the Czech Economic Outlook.

We look forward to future events and cooperation.

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