
Framework Cooperation Agreement the with the French company Électricité de France S.A (EDF)

Nous sommes heureux de contribuer de façon concrète au partenariat entre EDF et JAVYS et de pouvoir être à Paris aujourd'hui pour la signature du mémorandum sur la coopération. Nous continuerons à travailler intensément au développement des relations entre les entreprises françaises et slovaques dans le domaine de l'énergie nucléaire.

On 25 August 2023 during an official visit of the Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic, Ing. Peter Dovhun, companies JAVYS, a. s., and Électricité de France S.A (EDF) signed a Framework Cooperation Agreement (FCA) in Paris. This provides more space for further cooperation between the Slovak Republic and France in the field of nuclear energy and in the implementation of projects aimed at development of large power reactors and small modular reactors (SMR).

By signing Framework Cooperation Agreement with the French company Électricité de France S.A (EDF), company JAVYS has offered more room and areas for cooperation with another important partner in the implementation of future projects aimed at development in the field of SMR and nuclear energy.

Pavol Štuller, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of company JAVYS, a. s., (Nuclear and Decommissioning Company):

"Signing of the Framework Cooperation Agreement with the EDF is the result of mutual negotiations and detailed technical and commercial discussions in the field of potential cooperation leading to further steps towards the implementation of the large power SMR technology in Slovakia. Électricité de France S.A is a leading supplier of safe, innovative nuclear technology, including SMR technology. The signing of the FCA does not establish any exclusivity, it is the basis for the fact that if the Government of the Slovak Republic adopts a decision on the location and type of a new nuclear source, we would like to be in a position of a responsible manager of this process. What we expect from the signing of the FCA is a more intense exchange of information in the field of new technologies, so that we are able to assess their suitability for inclusion in the Slovak energy network."

Vakisasai Ramany, Senior Vice-President in charge of New Nuclear Development, EDF said:

"EDF is proud to participate in the discussions for the Slovak Republic’s nuclear new build programme, based on its EPR1200 and NUWARD SMR technologies which can contribute to meet the country’s ambitions in terms of industrial development and environmental sustainability. EDF is committed to be a long-term partner of JAVYS and the Slovak Republic for the development of an economically sound and efficient nuclear program, leveraging its extensive experience, notably from its contribution to other nuclear programmes in Europe. This agreement is a pivotal step in further consolidating EDF’s objective to promote a European nuclear fleet approach based on European technologies and the support of a fully European supply chain, including that of the Slovak industry. We do look forward to entering into the next concrete steps of the exchanges with JAVYS and the Slovak authorities."

JAVYS, as a Slovak state-owned joint-stock company whose shareholder is the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and as a shareholder of its subsidiary – company JESS, where JAVYS represents the Slovak Republic, has an obligation to develop the nuclear energy sector. Company JAVYS, as a JESS shareholder, is responsible for building a new nuclear source and as a professional entity representing the Slovak Republic strives not only to evaluate all available technologies, but also to prepare expert documents so that the Government of the Slovak Republic can later use them in the process of deciding on the type and size of a new nuclear source.

The European Pressurized Reactor (EPR) is a proven generation III+ nuclear reactor with an electrical output of 1650 MWe and presenting advanced safety features and enhanced efficiency.
The EPR1200 is a derived version of the EPR adapted to deliver a maximum electric capacity of 1200 MW. EPR1200 benefits from the same safety referential as EDF’s optimized EPR technology, which fully incorporates generation III+ operational and safety requirements defined by the AIEA, WENRA and French Nuclear Regulator (ASN), and passes post-Fukushima stress tests. It also takes into account feedback and lessonslearned from previous EPRs and EDF’s operating fleet, enhancing construction operational performance.

NUWARD SMR is a 340 MWe SMR power plant consisting of two independent 170 MWe reactors located in one building, allowing the use of shared facilities. It has a fully integrated pressurized water reactor of generation III+, which meets the highest safety standards. It introduces a balanced approach to utilizing proven technologies and integrating innovations to increase constructability, operational competitiveness and environmental performance. NUWARD SMR meets the safety standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Western European Nuclear Regulatory Association (WENRA).

JAVYS, a. s., ensures activities in the field of back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle in the Slovak Republic. Its main activities include the decommissioning of the A1 and V1 nuclear power plants, management of radioactive waste, spent nuclear fuel, institutional radioactive waste and collected radioactive material within the territory of the Slovak Republic. Company JAVYS pays particular attention to safety, quality and environmental protection in all its activities.

As a major player in energy transition, the EDF Group is an integrated energy company active in all businesses: generation, transmission, distribution, energy trading, energy sales and energy services. EDF group is a world leader in low-carbon energy, having developed a diverse production mix based mainly on nuclear and renewable energy (including hydropower). It is also investing in new technologies to support energy transition. EDF’s raison d’être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive well-being and economic development.

Source : JAVYS

You can find the press release below.


Télécharger Press_release_EN.pdf  (PDF • 135 Ko)

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